Final Practical Examination General medicine Long case

 This is an online E-log book to discuss our patients de-identified health data shared after taking his /her/ guardian informed consent here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of input from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

Date of admission : 08-02-2022

A 19 year old male with Abdominal pain and loose stools .

Chief complaint: 

A 19 year old male student came to casualty with chief complaints of abdominal pain , vomiting episodes  (2 -3) since 3 days , loose stools  since 3 days.  

History of present illness : 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days ago. He went to a party and there he had some mutton and  a glass of beer . After 2 days he developed pain in abdomen with 2 -3 episodes of vomiting, and 2-3 episodes of loose stools  . Pain was continuous and radiating to the left lower abdomen . Stomach pain , cramping , fever , nausea , headache were present . He went to local hospital for initial treatment.  As the pain doesn't got subsided and rather aggrevating, he came to this hospital  for further  treatment .

History of  past illness :

Patient is a known case of hypertension since 2 years and on regular medication .

No H/o asthma , DM , epilepsy, TB ,CAD .

No H/o allergies 

Family History : 

No family history of similar illness . 

Personal History :

Diet : Mixed 

Apetite: Normal 

Sleep : Adequate 

No H/o addictions . 

General Examination : 

Patient is conscious , coherent , co operative and well oriented to time and place . 

No pallor , cyanosis , icterus, clubbing , generalized lymphaadenopathy is observed .


Temperature : 98. 6°F 

Pulse rate : 86 bpm

Respiratory rate : 17 cpm

BP : 110/80 mm of Hg 

Systemic examination : 

CVS : 

S1 , S2 are heard 

No murmurs 

Respiratory system : 

Bilateral entry of air is normal 

No dyspnoea 

No wheeze 

Vesicular breath sounds are heard . 


Mild tenderness is seen 

No palpable mass 

No bruit 

CNS : 

Speech : Normal 

No stiffness of neck 

No neurological deficits .


Complete blood picture : 

Haemoglobin  - 14.7 gm/ dl

TLC : 10, 000 cells/ cu mm 

Platelet count:  2.4 L

Provisional diagnosis:                                           
          Gastro enteritis ?
                Acute appendicitis?   

Differential diagnosis:                                         Viral hepatitis   
Acute appendicitis 
                           Gastro enteritis    .                             
Final diagnosis :

                                  Gastro enteritis      

Treatment : 
Inj . PAN 40 mg IV / OD 
Inj. METRANIDAZOLE 100 ml IV / Tid 
Inj .ZOFER  4mg IV /sos
Tab .SPOROLAC -2 tabs / sos 


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